Calculating Pi on pi day on a Raspberry Pi 5

Its π day right?

The inventor of Pi is William Jones and he invented it in 1706.

Pi's first 3 digits are 3.14 so lets calculate the other ones too!

So i hopped over to my new Raspberry Pi 5 via VNC and started calculating Pi.

So first i ran this command: "time echo "scale=1500; 4*a(1)" | bc -l" to calculate pi's first 1500 digits.

It is nearly a second to calculate, but higher digits are harder.

For example i ran it with 2000000 digits, but that took so long that it never finished.

Here is the result for 1500 digits:

1500 Digits of pi

I also calculated 2000 digits of pi.

2000 Digits of pi

That was all for now.